Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I was sending my mother an email so Kai and Keely had me type something, too. I typed exactly what they said to me.

Kai said:
Will you spell to Nana 'This is a McDonald's hat and me and Keegan are wearing it.' Can you spell that to her? And 'Good night, Nana, and I love you, too.' And I want you to say 'I had a great day and I never tooked a bath but today I am.'

Keely said:
Today me and my girl scout troop went to the senior center and they were having a 'Senior Prom' for all of the seniors. And we gave cookies, sang songs and gave cards to the seniors. One lady reminded me of you. I can't wait to see you at the summer house. I love you. Good night!
P.S. The seniors were old people.

Kai said (again):
My last word is I love you and, uh, and I got 1 dinosaur. When I poop in the potty or I pee in the potty or I stay clean, then I get a dinosaur. And I want you to have a good night and BYE BYE!

Friday, June 3, 2011

I was playing Go Fish with Kai and Keegan this morning.
Me: Kai, do you have an 8?
Kai hands me a 6.
Me: No, that's a 6.
Kai: Mommy, does an 8 have 2 heads?
Me: Well.... yes, it has 2 stacked heads.

Funny, I never thought of that.