Sunday, August 28, 2011

We are on our way to the beach.
Keely (to Kai): I'm lucky. I get to sleep with Nana. Wanna switch?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kai's grandmother brought home a bloomin' onion just before dinner.
Kai: Grandma, next time you get one of these can you get one without the onion?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Keely came home from her friends house and asked for a popsicle. I said sure.
Keely (after plopping down on the couch with her banana split popsicle): What are you doing, chillaxing with a cup of wine and your phone?
Me: That's exactly what I'm doing.
... and I turned my attention back to Despicable Me.
Kai said the prayer at dinner last night:
Dear God,
Thank you for the family. Thank you for the food. I love Mommy, Daddy, Grandma... (he says this as he looks around the table.) Keegan is really funny. Amen.
Kai: Is it my birthday tomorrow?
Me: No, you have 7 days until your birthday.
Keegan: Is my birfday coming up?
Me: No, you have about 36 days until your birthday.
Kai: Keegan, that means you're longer.
Keegan: Yeah, I longer.
Bo bought some gummy lifesavers for the kids last night. I heard Keely talking to Kai.
Keely: They are called lifesavers because if you choke on them, there's a hole so you can still breathe.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kai came downstairs crying.
Me: Why are you crying?
Kai: Daddy won't let me play his big white phone. (iPad)