Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kai does work at school sometimes where he listens to someone read a book to him. I'm not sure if it's on headphones or not, but there's a little clipart thingy on the top that suggests that's what it is.

If you recall from my post on March 25th, the last book report had a note from the teacher at the top right that said, "Kai, Next time find a part of the story that you do like, please."

I've posted another book report form for you that I found in his backpack yesterday:

I'd at least give the kid an A for honesty.
So, those of you who know me and my family and the problems we (as in the kids) have with poop... Well, I'm hoping we've made a break-thru.

Kai: Momma, Keegan pooped in his pants and he's on the potty now.
Me: Thank you for letting me know.
Minutes later...

I trek upstairs with anxiety in the pit of my stomach in what I might find both in the toilet (usually disappointing results) AND in his underwear (disappointing results also, just in a different way.)

I glance in the toilet and I am elated! That feeling is only short lived as I have yet to check the underwear that lay on the floor in front of his dangling feet. Nope, no poop and hardly a skid mark! WOO-FREAKIN'-HOOOO!

I clean him up and the negotiations begin.

Keegan: Momma, are you pwoud of me?
Me: Oh yes, Keegan! I'm so proud! Good job!
Keegan: Momma, can I hab dis many chocwates?
(He holds up 4 fingers smashed together.)
Me: How about 2?
Keegan: Momma. I poop A WAT (a lot.)
Me: Okay. How many do you want?
(I said that only to see him put up his 4 smashed fingers again.)
Keegan: Dis many.
Me: Okay.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If you know me, you also know I'm a hopeless optimist.