Friday, June 28, 2013

Me: Turtle, you wanna go with me to pick up my bike?
Keely: Are the boys going?
Me: No. 
Keely: Sure. Lets go. 
Me: I'm almost done with this book and we can go after I'm done. I need to return the book to Miss Tina. 
Keely: What's it about?
Me: It's about sugar and what it does to your body. 
Keely (eyebrows raised): Well, I don't want to know so shhh. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Keegan: Momma, do you memba when we went to that westauwant and it was old on the outside but it wasn't?
Kai: I do! Actually, I don't think Mommy was there.
Keegan: Yes she was!
Kai: Keegan, your brain is small and doesn't hold that many memories. I have more memories than you and Mommy has more than me.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Keegan: Is fire weal (real)?
Turtle: If it wasn't, we wouldn't have light. 
Kai: Or s'mores.