Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Grandmother to Kai: Tell me about your new bus driver you had today.
Keely: She's a mix between Lady Gaga and Katie Perry with a pinch of creepy.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Of course, SOMETHING had to be lost this morning before the kids headed out to the bus stop. This particular time it was Kai's backpack. As we were remembering the last time we saw it (in the wagon with Keegan), the kids were talking out loud.
Keely: Okay... I'm thinking backwards to see if I can remember what we did with it.
Kai: I'm thinking forwards.
Keely: Everyone thinks forward, Kai.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This morning...
Me: (zipping up Kai's coat) Do you want me to walk you to the bus stop this morning?
Kai nodded.
Kai: Mommy, do you have a bra on?
Me: Yes.
Kai: Yay! (pause) Mommy, why do you wear a bra?
Keely: Well, when Mommy was done milking us, she had to wear a bra to protect them. So when Keegan pokes her boobs, they are protected.
Me: (full of sarcasm) Yes. When I was done MILKING you all...

Monday, January 16, 2012

As you have probably gathered from the posts on this blog, my FB posts and my tweets, toilet training is not my forté. Last night, Kai's dad had him on the toilet knowing there was more to come and by not having him sit longer on the toilet would result in poopy underwear.

So, I was watching tv, Bo on his iPad and Keegan was playing his DS. After about 15 minutes, Kai called for his dad, who had forgotten he was in the next room on the toilet.

Kai came out of the bathroom and stopped in front of our bedroom door, clearly not happy.
Kai: Mommy? Daddy made my leg hurt (from sitting on the toilet so long.) And it's his fault.
We are close to putting a lot of 12 mo and 18 mo boys clothes online to sell and Kai found this old costume. He wore it all day yesterday. He also said it still fits.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I went to put away some of Kai's clean clothes in his dresser tonight.
Me: Why does it smell like poop in here?
Kai: I think my farts smell like poop, Momma.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I had just gotten out of the shower and Keegan came into my room looking for his shoes (because Moms ALWAYS know where shoes are.)
Keegan: Momma, why do you hab boo-boos (boobs)?
Me: Because I'm a girl.
Keegan: I don't hab doze (those). I dust hab small ones, (pointing to my boob) one of doze. Small ones.