Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We were late for preschool (again)... I had a teacher's conference with Kai's teacher AND I had to run thru McDonald's drive thru to get a chocolate milk for his lunch.

Kai: Is that Silas (a boy in his class) in front of us?
(He was remembering last week when we were in Wendy's drive thru and Silas and his grandmother were in the car ahead of us.)
Me: No.
Kai: Is that Silas in front of the car in front of us?
Me: No.
Kai: Then who ARE those people?
Kai was fighting bad guys in the living room for about 20 minutes with Keegan. It was pretty dramatic and action-packed entertainment. I was thinking, I should be taping this.... but I didn't think I would get away with it.

Kai: Keegan, when I kill you, you're dead.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

On our way home from Kai's preschool, Keegan was dancing in his carseat to some music.
Kai: Look, Mommy! Watch me!
(Kai was dancing in his chair, too)
Kai: Let's see your moves, Mommy!
(I shook my shoulders and moved my arms since I was at a stoplight.)
Kai: Funky.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kai came running into the dining room where I was.
Kai: At school, my teacher had some new things.
Me: What kinds of new things?
Kai shrugged and walked away.
I was listening to The Outfield on my iPhone and Kai came into the room.
Kai: I like this song. I don't know it. But I love it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Kai was laying on Keegan while watching Dora the Explorer and he said, "Mommy, thank you for my new pillow (Keegan.) I love my new pillow!"

Hide and seek

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Me: Kai, will you do me a favor?
Kai: Sure.
Me: Will you run upstairs and get me a diaper?
Kai: Aaah! That's not a favor! What is a favor?
Me: It's something I asked you to do for me to help me.
Kai: If I go upstairs to get a diaper, will you give me a chocolate?
Me: Yes.
Kai: If I go upstairs and get a diaper, will you give me TWO chocolates?
Me: No, you asked for one chocolate, not two.
Kai: I didn't say ONE chocolate.
Me: You said A chocolate. A means ONE.
I was driving Kai to preschool this morning and Keegan was rambling on about something.
Kai: Keegan, what are you saying? No one knows what you are saying. Only God knows what you are saying.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The kids and I were watching "The Upside Down Show" that we TiVo.

Keely: Mommy, they (the guys on the Upside Down Show) were in a car and going like this...
(She made little circles with her hand)
Me: He was rolling down a window. That's a crank to roll the window down. They still have those, don't they?
(It suddenly occurred to me that she had never seen a car with manual windows.)
Keely: You mean in the old times?

Wow. I feel old.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tonight, the boys and I dropped Keely off at church for Awana. On the way home, we sang about how we needed to pee (me and Kai.) We all ran inside and Kai went first.
Me: Kai, don't flush the toilet.
Kai: Why, Mommy? Why do you not want me to flush?
Me: Cuz I have to pee, too.
(I waited for him to finish and then put down the seat.)
Kai: Mommy, do you have to poop?
Me: No, I have to pee.
Kai: Why are you putting down the pooping seat?